¡ film makers and photographers !
If you’re interested in renting any of these spaces for film or photo shoots, please email, Call or Text Alyssa. They’re filled with wonderful long-term tenants, but many would consider your project. Several spaces have been successfully rented in the last months, each for between a day to a week of shooting. So please holler.
We’re all filled up :)
~ As of October 20, 2024 ~
Thanks for liking our stuff!
If we’ve miss you this time around, please check back with us next time you’re looking
maybe maybe maybe Available
Here's a list of lease-end dates
Lots of tenants renew year after year!
Holler 1.5 months before these lease-end dates
Hopefully our dates line up with yours and we'll have something just right for you
Call or text Alyssa at (817) 822-9009
Check with us in October 2024 about:
The Pink Duplex - Upstairs (off Camp Bowie, lease ends Dec 8, 2024)
Check with us in November 2024 about:
Bomar - Apt 4 (in Fairmount lease ends January 5)
Check with us in December 2024 about:
The Lopezito (garage apartment off Northside Drive, lease ends Feb 12, 2025)
Hurley House - Apt B (in Fairmount - Available February 23, 2025)
Check with us in January 2025 about:
Lincoln House (off Northside Drive lease ends March 8)
Check with us in February 2025 about:
Check with us in March 2025 about:
Check with us in April 2025 about:
Check with us in May 2025 about:
4Plex, Apt 2 (in Fairmount, lease ends June 8)
Hurley House - Apt D (in Fairmount lease ends June 15, 2025)
4Plex - Apt 1 (in Fairmount lease ends June )
The Tiny Hurley House - Apt E (in Fairmount lease ends June 10)
Lincoln Lopez (off Northside Drive lease ends June 15)
Bomar - Apt 2 (in Fairmount lease ends June 22)
The Garage Apt (in Fairmount lease expires June 29)
Hurley House - Apt C (in Fairmount lease ends June 29)
Bomar - Apt 6 (in Fairmount lease ends July 3)
Bomar - Apt 3 (in Fairmount lease ends July 13)
The Tovar House (off Northside Drive lease ends July 20)
Check with us in June 2025 about:
The Next Door Duplex - downstairs (off Camp Bowie) expires July 27
South Apt - North/South Duplex (off Northside Drive lease ends Aug 16, 2025)
Bomar - Apt 1 (in Fairmount lease end August 3, 2025)
Check with us in June 2025 about:
Tiny Hurley House - Apt F (in Fairmount, lease ends August 24)
Check with us in August 2025 about:
Hurley House - Apt A (in Fairmount lease ends Sept 21)
The Other Twin - Shotgun South (off Northside Drive lease ends Sept 28)
Clinton (off Northside Drive lease ends October 5)
The Bungalow (in Historic Fairmount) — Available October 12
Check with us in September 2025 about:
The Casita (off Northside Drive, lease ends Oct 26, 2025)
Lincoln Bodega House (off Northside Drive lease ends November 16)
The Next Door Duplex - upstairs (off Camp Bowie — lease ends November 16)
Check with us in October 2025 about:
The North Apartment (off Northside Drive, lease ends Dec 21)
Drop Us a Line.
Call or text Alyssa (817) 822-9009
(We read these every day)